
英 ['vælgəs] 美
  • n. 外翻足的人;外翻足
  • adj. 外翻的
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valgus (adj.)
deformity in which a bone or joint is twisted outward from the center of the body; form of club-foot, 1800, from Latin valgus "bandy-legged, bow-legged, having the legs bent outward." Said to be probably related to Sanskrit valgati "to move up and down," Old English wealcan "to roll, move to and fro" (see walk (v.)), perhaps on the notion of "go irregularly or to and fro" [Tucker]. "Yet the main characteristic of 'bow-legged' is the crookedness of the legs, not 'going up and down' or 'to and fro'" [de Vaan] and there are phonetic difficulties. A classical word used in a different sense in modern medicine; also see varus.
1. Objective : To evaluate operation methods selection hallux valgus.
目的: 探讨临足拇外翻的外科治疗选择.


2. It is indicated to the moderate deformity of the hallux valgus . ( HVA


3. Objective : To underline the and disadvantage of using binding and osteotomy in treating valgus.
目的: 比较捆绑术与截骨术在拇外翻治疗中的优缺点.


4. Objective To study the effect of minimally invasive treatment of moderate and severe hallux valgus.


[ valgus 造句 ]