
英 ['sæmɪzdæt; ,sæmɪz'dæt] 美 ['sæmɪzdæt]
  • n. 地下出版物
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samizdat (n.)
"illegal and clandestine copying and sharing of literature," 1967, from Russian samizdat, literally "self-publishing," from sam "self" (see same) + izdatel'stvo "publishing" (from iz "from, out of," from PIE *eghs; see ex-; + dat' "to give," from PIE *do-; see date (n.1)). Said to be a word-play on Gosizdat, the former state publishing house of the U.S.S.R. One who took part in it was a samizdatchik (plural samizdatchiki). Later and less common was tamizdat "writings published abroad and smuggled back into the U.S.S.R.," from tam "there."
1. And beyond this partition , viral videos and blog posts are becoming the samizdat of ourday.


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