
英 ['sæmaɪt; seɪ-] 美 ['semaɪt]
  • n. 锦绣,中世纪时的一种锦绣
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samite (n.)
type of rich silk cloth, c. 1300, from Old French samit, from Medieval Latin samitum, examitum, from Medieval Greek hexamiton (source of Old Church Slavonic oksamitu, Russian aksamit "velvet"), noun use of neuter of Greek adjective hexamitos "six-threaded," from hex "six" (see six) + mitos "warp thread" (see mitre (n.)). The reason it was called this is variously explained. Obsolete c. 1600; revived by Tennyson. German Sammet "velvet" is from French.
1. However, the Wu Qi now, economy flies, samite of mountains and rivers - land.
然而, 今日的吴旗, 经济腾飞, 山川锦绣.


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