
英 ['rɪgmərəʊl] 美
  • n. 冗长的废话
  • adj. 冗长的
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rigmarole 冗长复杂的手续

改写自 ragman roll,长条清单或目录。字面意思为收破烂的铺盖卷,在 15 世纪时用于指列举 犯罪清单的法律文件,词源不详。

rigmarole: [18] Rigmarole is a corruption of an earlier ragman roll, a term first encountered in the late 13th century. It denoted a roll of parchment used in a gambling game. The roll had things written on it, such as names, with pieces of string attached to them, and participants had to select a string at random. The word ragman may have been a contraction of ragged man, perhaps in allusion to the appearance of the roll, with all its bits of string hanging from it. Ragman roll eventually came to be used for any ‘list’ or ‘catalogue’, and ragman itself denoted a ‘long rambling discourse’ in 16th-century Scottish English – the meaning which had somehow transferred itself to rigmarole when it emerged in the early 18th century.
rigmarole (n.)
1736, "a long, rambling discourse," apparently from an altered, Kentish colloquial survival of ragman roll "long list or catalogue" (1520s), in Middle English a long roll of verses descriptive of personal characters, used in a medieval game of chance called Rageman, perhaps from Anglo-French Ragemon le bon "Ragemon the good," which was the heading on one set of the verses, referring to a character by that name. Sense transferred to "foolish activity or commotion" by 1939.
1. I couldn't be bothered to go through the rigmarole of changing clothes.


2. Then the whole rigmarole starts over again.


3. I couldn't face the whole rigmarole of getting a work permit again.


4. I've never heard such a rigmarole.


5. He had to go through the usual rigmarole of signing legal papers in order to complete the business deal.


[ rigmarole 造句 ]