
美 [rɪ'sɪdɪvɪst]
  • n. 惯犯
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recidivist 惯犯

re-,向后,往回,-cid,掉落,词源同 case,deciduous.引申词义惯犯。

recidivist: [19] A recidivist – a ‘persistent offender’ – is etymologically someone who ‘falls back’. The word was borrowed from French récidiviste, a descendant of medieval Latin recidīvāre. This in turn was based on the noun recidīvus ‘falling back’, a derivative of Latin recidere ‘fall back’, which was a compound verb formed from the prefix re- ‘back, again’ and cadere ‘fall’ (source of English cadence, case, decadent, etc).
=> cadaver, cadence, case, decadent
recidivist (n.)
"relapsed criminal," 1863, from French récidiviste, from récidiver "to fall back, relapse," from Medieval Latin recidivare "to relapse into sin," from Latin recidivus "falling back," from recidere "fall back," from re- "back, again" (see re-) + comb. form of cadere "to fall" (see case (n.)). Recidivation in the spiritual sense is attested from early 15c., was very common 17c.
1. A single, Yaomou a recidivist, be punished severely according to law.
单某 、 姚某系累犯, 依法予以从重处罚.


2. Essentially, Article 356 Of Penal Code stipulates special recidivist.


3. Immediately after throwing a tear - gas grenade at the policemen, the recidivist absconded with the money.
该惯犯向警察投掷了一颗催泪弹, 借机携款潜逃.


4. He can be paroled during prison time if he is not a recidivist.


[ recidivist 造句 ]