
英 [pʌŋk] 美 [pʌŋk]
  • n. 废物;小阿飞;年轻无知的人
  • adj. 无用的,低劣的
  • n. 朋客,朋克
  • n. (Punk)人名;(匈)蓬克
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1. 音译“朋克、朋客”,在台湾地区译作“庞克”,朋克文化始于1970年代,由英国开始,最初的时候它是一种音乐上的叛逆运动,主旨是在抗拒反对一些包括前卫摇滚(progressive rock)、重金属(heavy metal)在内,已经既存的流行音乐形式,他们不满现实,意图反抗。但他们不再试图推翻什么、建立什么,而是寻求个体的独立、嘲弄统治者、嘲弄整个制度。于是摇滚乐诞生了一个新的流派―朋克(Punk)。

2. 朋克是一个音乐范畴,它诞生于上世纪70年代初期,面临着经济危机、大量工人失业的英国。青少年对现实社会产生了强烈不满甚至绝望的心情。他们愤怒地抨击社会的各个方面,而且通过一种狂放宣泄的行为表达了他们的思想。这种情绪和思潮在文化艺术中得到体现。

3. 朋克音乐家们用简单的和弦,表达简单的情感,用粗俗明了的语言,诉说人性的美丑。他们歌颂大麻,也歌颂上帝;他们崇尚乱交,也呼喊着要社会关注那些单亲的孩子;他们诅咒战争,却在生活中滥用暴力;他们生活糜乱,但对未来充满向往,他们在颠覆旧有的糜费文化同时也创造新的糜费。他们代表着人类发展方向的一种可能性和多种可选择性,是人类多重矛盾集于一身的直接反映。

4. 继而,朋克文化从舞台走向生活,他们开始在表演以外的各个层面表现他们彻底革命的决心:穿上磨出窟窿、画满骷髅和美女的牛仔装;男人们梳起鸡冠头,女人则把头发统统剃光,露出青色的头皮;鼻子上穿洞挂环;身上涂满靛蓝的荧光粉,似乎非得让人对他们侧目而视才满意。其实他们什么也不为,只是要以此表现他们的与众不同,表现他们的叛逆,表现他们对这个现实社会的不满罢了。
punk 朽木,无赖,妓女,无知的人,朋客摇滚乐,劣质的,没价值的


punk (adj.)
"inferior, bad," 1896, also as a noun, "something worthless," earlier "rotten wood used as tinder" (1680s), "A word in common use in New England, as well as in the other Northern States and Canada" [Bartlett]; perhaps from Delaware (Algonquian) ponk, literally "dust, powder, ashes;" but Gaelic spong "tinder" also has been suggested (compare spunk "touchwood, tinder," 1580s).
punk (n.2)
"worthless person" (especially a young hoodlum), 1917, probably from punk kid "criminal's apprentice," underworld slang first attested 1904 (with overtones of "catamite"). Ultimately from punk (n.1) or else from punk "prostitute, harlot, strumpet," first recorded 1590s, of unknown origin.

For sense shift from "harlot" to "homosexual," compare gay. By 1923 used generally for "young boy, inexperienced person" (originally in show business, as in punk day, circus slang from 1930, "day when children are admitted free"). The verb meaning "to back out of" is from 1920.

The "young criminal" sense is no doubt the inspiration in punk rock first attested 1971 (in a Dave Marsh article in "Creem," referring to Rudi "Question Mark" Martinez); popularized 1976.
If you looked different, people tried to intimidate you all the time. It was the same kind of crap you had to put up with as a hippie, when people started growing long hair. Only now it was the guys with the long hair yelling at you. You think they would have learned something. I had this extreme parrot red hair and I got hassled so much I carried a sign that said "FUCK YOU ASSHOLE." I got so tired of yelling it, I would just hold up the sign. [Bobby Startup, Philadelphia punk DJ, "Philadelphia Weekly," Oct. 10, 2001]
punk (n.1)
"Chinese incense," 1870, from punk (adj.).
1. Rock'n'roll has become so commercialised and safe since punk.


2. Rock'n'roll has become so commercialized and safe since punk.


3. For a decade "X" was the pre-eminent punk band in Los Angeles.


4. It all depends on your definition of punk, doesn'tit?


5. Some punk stuck a knife in her last night.


[ punk 造句 ]