
  • abbr. 中国抗癌协会;水泥和混凝土协会(Cement and Concrete Association)
  • n. (Caca)人名;(塞)察察
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caca (n.)
"excrement," a nursery word but a very ancient one (PIE *kakka-), forming the base word for "excrement, to void excrement" in many Indo-European languages, such as Greek kakke "human excrement," Latin cacare, Irish caccaim, Serbo-Croatian kakati, Armenian k'akor; Old English cac-hus "latrine."

Etymologists dispute whether the modern Germanic words (Dutch kakken, Danish kakke, German kacken), are native cognates or student slang borrowed from Latin cacare. The word in this form appears in English slang c. 1870, and could have been taken from any or several of the languages that used it (Spanish, Modern Greek).
1. It is suitable for computer aided circuit analysis ( CACA ).
该方法适用于计算机辅助电路分析 ( CACA ).


2. Methods: FFA reports of 32 cases of CARCA were reviewed and analyzed.
方法: 回顾分析32例CACA患者59只患眼的FFA检查资料.


[ caca 造句 ]