
英 ['ælmədʒest] 美
  • n. 天文学大成(书名)
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almagest (n.)
late 14c., title of a treatise on astronomy by Claudius Ptolemy of Alexandria, extended in Middle English to other works on astrology or astronomy, from Old French almageste (13c.), from Arabic al majisti, from al "the" + Greek megiste "the greatest (composition)," from fem. of megistos, superlative of megas "great" (see mickle). Originally titled in Greek Megale syntaxis tes astronomias "Great Composition on Astronomy;" Arab translators in their admiration altered this.
1. George Peurbach of Vienna started to correct the Latin translations of the " Almagest ".
维也纳的乔治?柏巴赫开始校订《大汇编 》 的拉丁文译本.


2. It explains some terms and concepts in Almagest and cleared up their clue of historical development.


[ almagest 造句 ]