
英 ['semait] 美
  • n. 闪族人;闪米特人
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Semite 闪米特人

来自法语 semite,闪米特人,来自拉丁语 Sem,来自希腊语 Sem,来自希伯来语 sem,闪,圣经中 人类始祖诺亚的儿子,阿拉伯人,犹太人,叙利亚人等共同的祖先,诺亚的另两个儿子分别 为含,雅弗。

Semite (n.)
1847, "a Jew, Arab, Assyrian, or Aramaean" (an apparently isolated use from 1797 refers to the Semitic language group), back-formation from Semitic or else from French Sémite (1845), from Modern Latin Semita, from Late Latin Sem "Shem," one of the three sons of Noah (Gen. x:21-30), regarded as the ancestor of the Semites (in old Bible-based anthropology), from Hebrew Shem. In modern sense said to have been first used by German historian August Schlözer in 1781.
1. He's a racist and an anti - Semite and a prick.
他是一个种族主义和 反 犹份子和刺痛.


2. If it were, I myself would be an anti - Semite.
如果是, 我自己将是 反 犹太主义者.


3. I got an email today that said 6 Frodo Baggins was an anti - Semite.
今天我还收到一封电邮说弗罗多·巴金斯是个 反 犹分子.


4. Henry Ford a militant anti - Semite that published La Juiverie Internationale , created the Ford Foundation in 1936.


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