词根词缀:jejuno-, jejun-

【来源及含义】Latin: the fasting [intestine], the portion of the small intestine between the duodenum and the ileum [so named because early anatomists typically found this organ to be empty in dissection]; original meaning, "hungry, not partaking of food"

【同源单词】duodenojejunostomy, esophagojejunogastrostomosis, esophagojejunoplasty, esophagojejunostomy, jejunal, jejunectomy

词根词缀:jet-, -ject, -jecting, -jected, -jection, -jector, -jectory; jacu-, jac-

【来源及含义】Latin: throw, send, fling, hurl, cast; gush; spurt

【同源单词】abject, abjection, abjectly, abjectness, adjectival, adjectival

词根词缀:jocu-, jocul-; jocund-

【来源及含义】Latin: joke, joking, jesting, humorous; cheerful and full of good humor

【相关词根词缀】Related "jest; joke; wit; humor; funny" word units: faceti-; farc-; humor-; lud-; satir-.

【同源单词】jewel, jocose, jocoserious, jocular, jocularity, jocularly


【来源及含义】Hebrew, jobel, literally, "ram"; from the ram's horn with which the year of celebration was proclaimed; from Latin jubilaeus (annus), "year of jubilee".

【同源单词】diamond jubilee, golden jubilee, jubilance, jubilancy, jubilant, jubilantly

词根词缀:jud-, judic-

【来源及含义】Latin: decide, determine a result; declare to be; right and power to interpret the law

【相关描述】Directly related to the jus-, just-, jur- unit.

【同源单词】adjudge, adjudicate, adjudication, adjudicator, argumentum ad judicium, district judge

词根词缀:junct-, jug-, join-

【来源及含义】Latin: link, unite, yoke; bring together, meet, merge, engage in; combine

【同源单词】actinic conjunctivitis, actinic keratoconjunctivitis, adjoin, adjoin, adjunct, adjunct


【来源及含义】Latin: law

【同源单词】alternate juror, corpus iuris, jurisconsult, jurisconsultus, jurisdiction, jurisdictional

词根词缀:jus-, just-, jur-

【来源及含义】Latin: right, upright, equitable; legal right, law

【相关描述】Directly related to the jud-, judic- unit.

【同源单词】abjure, abjure, abjurer, adjuration, adjuratory, adjure

词根词缀:jut-, juv-

【来源及含义】Latin: help, give assistance

【同源单词】adjutancy, adjutant, adjutor, adjutory, adjutrix, adjuvant

词根词缀:juven-, juv-

【来源及含义】Latin: young, youthful

【同源单词】anilojuvenogamist, anilojuvenogamous, anilojuvenogamy, junior, juvenal, Juvenal