1. Compare happen, occur and take place.
试比较happen、 occur、 take place这叁个词语.

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

2. It is tempting to view the distinction simply as one of change over time, but these changes are interesting because they occur in response to both application state and human activity. This differentiates them from preordained temporal transitions that can be found in mechanical products and broadcast and film media (which each have their own distinct set of design patterns).

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3. When multiple saturated colors are used together, chromostereopsis and other perceptual artifacts often occur.

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4. The circuitry backing up such switches has special logic to ignore extra transitions if they occur within a few milliseconds of the first one. This keeps your stereo from turning back off a thousandth of a second after you’ve turned it on.

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5. Pliant response hinting should occur if the mouse is clicked (but not released) while the cursor is inside a control. The control must visually show that it is poised to undergo a state change (see Figure 19-2).

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6. User research must occur before ideation, usability testing following it.

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7. After you have mapped your interview subjects, look for clusters of subjects that occur across multiple ranges or variables.

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8. Interviews with stakeholders should occur before any user research begins because these discussions often inform how user research is conducted.

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9. The document that was current at the time of the version selection will be created as a version itself. Also, since disk space is hardly a scarce resource these days, it makes sense to create versions regularly, in case it doesn’t occur to your users.
这个文档在这个时刻也应该成为一个新版本。 另外,既然现在磁盘空间并不是什么稀缺资源,所以有规律地生成版本是有意义的,以防使用者自己没有定时保存。

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10. Architectural planning for transactional kiosks should occur at the same time as the interaction and industrial design planning.

-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓