1. Users recognize the imagery of the metaphor and, by extension, can presumably understand the purpose of the thing.

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2. As we discussed in Chapter 13, the use of metaphor in interaction design can be severely limiting.

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3. The heavy reliance on this metaphor means that you can intuit the basic functioning of the software, but the downside is that, after you understand its function, the metaphor adds significantly to the overhead of navigation.

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4. Never bend your interface to fit a metaphor.

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5. Why not abandon this slavish devotion to metaphor and give the user easy access to functions?

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6. After the user depends on the metaphor for recognition, he expects consistency of behavior with the real-world object to which the metaphor refers.

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7. Finally, although a metaphor offers a small boost in learnability to first-time users, it exacts a tremendous cost after they become intermediates.

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8. The overlapping-sheets-of-paper metaphor starts to suffer when you get three or more applications and documents on the screen—it just doesn’t scale up well.

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9. If you, too, search for that magic metaphor, you will be in august company. Some of the best and brightest designers in the interface world consider metaphor selection as one of their first and most important tasks.

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10. The answer again goes back to the global metaphor of the desktop.

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