1. into his hand: fortnight-old bills from the rice-shop, the coal merchant, the car-hire people, the greengrocer
一叠账单放在冯云卿的手里了; 那是半个月前的东西,有米账,煤账,裁缝账,汽车账,长丰水果店和老大房糖食店的账;

-- 来源 -- 子夜部分 - ziye-11

2. The greengrocer unloaded the potatoes from the van.

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

3. a fella dies.because somebody's wife makes a comment to the greengrocer,what is that?
因某人的妻子和小贩说了不该说的话 而死于 那叫什么?

-- 来源 -- 电影对白

4. My grandpa is a greengrocer so everyday our fridge is filled with various fruits, such as grapefruit,

-- 来源 -- 网友提供

5. The greengrocer tried to sell my wife some overripe fruit, but she soon told him where to get off.

-- 来源 -- dj.iciba.com