1. Photographic icons are like all-capitalized text; the differences between icons aren’t sharp and easy to distinguish, so we get lost in the complexity.

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2. Distinguish important text items in lists with graphic icons.

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3. Texture is seldom useful for conveying differences or calling attention, since it requires a lot of attention to distinguish.

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4. Our point is not to complain about the intricacies of driving, but rather to distinguish between two types of actions we take to accomplish our daily tasks.

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5. If a grayscale conversion of your color palette is easily distinguishable, color-blind users should be able to distinguish the color version.

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6. After we have visually identified the type of object we are interested in, we can read the text to distinguish which particular object we are looking at.

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7. For example, the use of dimensionality to give the feel of a manual affordance is perhaps the most effective way to distinguish controls from data or background elements (see Chapter 13 for more about affordance).

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8. Next use hue, saturation, value, size, and position to distinguish levels of hierarchy.

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9. It’s usually a good idea to distinguish different logical sets of controls or data by grouping them by using visual properties such as color and dimensional rendering.
一般来说,通过分组方式我们可以将不同逻辑的控制或者数据集区别开来。 我们通常按照视觉属性来分组,比如颜色和形状。

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10. Visually distinguish elements that behave differently.

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