1. Negative audible feedback: Announcing user failure

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2. The following are some simple principles for designing usable audible interfaces:

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3. Emitting noise when something bad happens is called negative audible feedback.

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4. Positive audible feedback

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5. The auditory indicator we propose as feedback for a problem is silence. The problem with much current audible feedback is the still prevalent idea that, rather than positive audible feedback, negative feedback is desirable.
我们建议作为问题反馈的听觉指示器是没有声音,当前听觉反馈存在的问题是源于广泛流行的观念。 即和正面听觉反馈相比,负面反馈才是合情合理的。

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6. When success with our tools yields a sound, it is called positive audible feedback.

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7. Of course, the audible feedback must be at the right volume for the situation.

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8. That’s positive audible feedback.

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9. Our software should give us constant, small, audible cues just like our keyboards.

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10. Negative audible feedback has several things working against it.

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