1. "Excessive production causes gigantism, acromegaly, or other malformations; deficient production results in dwarfism, dramatically relieved if GH is given before puberty. Genetic engineering techniques now permit large-scale production of adequate amounts of GH for that purpose."

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 自然

2. Acromegaly: Growth and metabolic disorder in which the skeletal extremities enlarge when a pituitary gland tumor causes overproduction of growth hormone after maturity.
肢端肥大症: 一种生长及代谢障碍的疾病,特征为骨端增大,病因为成年后脑下垂体患肿瘤使得生长激素分泌过多。

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 生命

3. "Greater susceptibility to infection, injury, and metabolic disorders shortens the life span. Surgery or radiation can be employed to curtail further growth. Gigantism often occurs with acromegaly. "

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 生命

4. Patients with central sleep apnea syndrome, hypothyroidism and acromegaly, etc.

-- 来源 -- dict.cnki.net

5. The condition resulting from an excess of pituitary hormones, characterized by gigantism in children and acromegaly in adults.

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考

6. "Acromegaly is characterized by gradual enlargement of hands and feet, exaggeration of facial features, skin thickening, and enlargement of most internal organs, along with headaches, excessive sweating, and high Blood pressure."

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 生命

7. The above factors obstructing Meridian closed, the body running sluggish, inaccessible acromegaly, acromegaly temperature of the body lose their dependents, caused pain, ulcers and even necrosis is the major Tuoju Pathogenesis.

-- 来源 -- bbs.d9it.com

8. Pachydermoperiostosis( PDP) is a rare disease that may mimic secondary hypertrophic osteoarhropathy or acromegaly.

-- 来源 -- www.ceps.com.tw

9. Human adults given growth hormone have suffered from acromegaly( excess bone growth) and carpal tunnel syndrome.

-- 来源 --