1. Another excellent approach is to abandon the browser entirely and, instead, create a non-browser-based, Internet-enabled application.

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2. For some users, the absence of this simple Undo is sufficient grounds to abandon a product entirely.

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3. In modal dialogs, the Cancel button means, “Abandon my input and close the dialog.”

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4. Why not abandon this slavish devotion to metaphor and give the user easy access to functions?

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5. The dialog box in Figure 10-4 is inappropriate and unnecessary. How often do you choose to abandon changes you make to a document?

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6. Some programmers and designers choose to abandon this idea completely, choosing instead to segregate the user experiences by creating wizards for beginners and burying critical functionality for experts deep in menus.

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7. Because Abandon Changes involves significant data loss, the user should be protected with clear warning signs.

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8. All skiers, for example, spend time as beginners, but those who find they don’t rapidly progress beyond more-falling-than-skiing quickly abandon the sport.
例如,所有滑雪的人都会在新手层次停留一段时间。 但那些不能很快取得进步,也就是摔跤过多的人会很快放弃这种运动。

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9. The application can launch a search for a file, and if the user begins typing, merely abandon it until the next hiatus.

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10. Rather than forcing the user to understand the file system to achieve her goal, a simple Abandon Changes function on the main menu would suffice.

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