repudiateyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[repudiate 词源字典]
repudiate: [16] Repudiate originally meant ‘divorce one’s wife’. It comes from Latin repudiāre ‘divorce, reject’, a derivative of the noun repudium ‘divorce’. It has been suggested that the ultimate source of this may be pēs ‘foot’ (source of English pedal), in which case its underlying meaning would be virtually ‘kick out’.
[repudiate etymology, repudiate origin, 英语词源]
repudiate (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1540s, "to cast off by divorce," from Latin repudiatus, past participle of repudiare "to cast off, put away, divorce, reject, scorn, disdain," from repudium "divorce, rejection, a putting away, dissolution of marriage," from re- "back, away" (see re-) + pudium, which is probably related to pes/ped- "foot" [Barnhart]. If this is so, the original notion may be of kicking something away, but folk etymology commonly connects it with pudere "cause shame to." Of opinions, conduct, etc., "to refuse to acknowledge," attested from 1824. Earliest in English as an adjective meaning "divorced, rejected, condemned" (mid-15c.). Related: Repudiated; repudiating.