poplaryoudaoicibaDictYouDict[poplar 词源字典]
poplar: [14] The ancestor of poplar was Latin pōpulus ‘poplar’ (not to be confused with populus ‘people’). This passed into Old French as pople, which with the addition of the treename suffix -ier became poplier. Its Anglo- Norman version was popler, from which English got poplar.
[poplar etymology, poplar origin, 英语词源]
poplar (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
mid-14c., from Anglo-French popler, from Old French poplier (13c., Modern French peulplier), from Latin populus "poplar" (with a long "o;" not the same word that produced popular), of unknown origin, possibly from a PIE tree-name root *p(y)el- (cognates: Greek pelea "elm"). Italian pioppo, Spanish chopo, German pappel, Old Church Slavonic topoli all are from Latin.