duressyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[duress 词源字典]
duress: [14] Etymologically, duress means literally ‘hardness’, and that was what it was used for when English first acquired it. It comes via Old French duresse from Latin dūritia, a derivative of the adjective dūrus ‘hard’ (from which English gets during). The current sense ‘constraint’ developed during the 15th century.
=> during, endure[duress etymology, duress origin, 英语词源]
duress (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
early 14c., "harsh or severe treatment," from Old French duresse, from Latin duritia "hardness," from durus "hard" (see endure). For Old French -esse, compare fortress. Sense of "coercion, compulsion" is from 1590s.