droughtyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[drought 词源字典]
drought: [OE] Etymologically, drought means simply ‘dryness’. The prehistoric Germanic base that produced English dry (and indeed drain) was *draug-, *drūg-. To this was added the suffix -th, used for creating abstract nouns from adjectives, as in length, strength, and truth; this gave Old English drūgath. The subsequent change of -th to -t (which began in the 13th century) is mirrored in such words as height and theft.
=> drain, dry[drought etymology, drought origin, 英语词源]
drought (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
Old English drugað, drugoð "drought, dryness, desert," from Proto-Germanic *drugothaz, from Germanic root *dreug- "dry" (cf high/height) with *-itho, Germanic suffix for forming abstract nouns (see -th (2)). Drouth was a Middle English variant continued in Scottish and northern English dialect and in poetry.