differentyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[different 词源字典]
different: [14] English acquired different via Old French different from different-, the present participial stem of Latin differre, a compound verb formed from the prefix dis- ‘apart’ and ferre ‘carry’ (related to English bear). Latin differre had two distinct strands of meaning that sprang from the original literal ‘carry apart, scatter, disperse, separate’: one was ‘put off, delay’, from which English gets defer; the other ‘become or be unlike’, whence English differ [14] and different. The derived indifferent [14] originally meant ‘not differentiating or discriminating’.
=> bear, dilatory[different etymology, different origin, 英语词源]
different (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
late 14c., from Old French different (14c.), from Latin differentem (nominative differens) "differing, different," present participle of differre "to set apart" (see differ). Colloquial sense of "special" attested by 1912. Related: Differently.