defunctyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[defunct 词源字典]
defunct: [16] The -funct in defunct is the same ultimately as that in function and perfunctory. It comes from the past participle of Latin fungī ‘perform, discharge’. In combination with the intensive prefix - this produced dēfunctus ‘discharged, finished’, hence ‘dead’, which was borrowed directly into English.
=> function, perfunctory[defunct etymology, defunct origin, 英语词源]
defunct (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1590s, from Old French defunct (14c., Modern French defunt) or directly from Latin defunctus "dead," literally "off-duty," from past participle of defungi "to discharge, finish," from de- "off, completely" (see de-) + fungi "perform or discharge duty," from PIE root *bheug- (2) "to enjoy" (see brook (v.)).