utteryoudaoicibaDictYouDict[utter 词源字典]
utter: English has two distinct words utter, but they come from the same ultimate source – out. The older, ‘complete, thorough-going’ [OE] originated as a comparative form of out (or ūt, as it was in the Old English period), and so morphologically is the same word as outer. It did not begin to be used as an intensive adjective until the 15th century. Utter ‘express openly, say’ [14] was borrowed from Middle Dutch ūteren ‘drive out, announce, speak’, a derivative of Old Low German ūt ‘out’.
=> out[utter etymology, utter origin, 英语词源]
geomorphology (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1888, from geo- + morphology. Form geomorphy is from 1889. Related: Geomorphological; geomorphologically; geomorphologist.
morphology (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1824 in biology (from German Morphologie, 1817); 1869 in philology; from morpho- + -logy. Related: Morphological; morphologist. Related: Morphologist.